Patton electronic Security Camera EdgeRoute Network Access Server User Manual |
Model 6081RC
EdgeRoute Network
Access Server
User Manual
Sales Office: +1 (301) 975-1000
Technical Support: +1 (301) 975-1007
Part Number: 07MD6081RC-GS, Rev. D
Revised: February 20, 2012
Summary Table of Contents
Model 6081RC overview............................................................................................................................... 12
Hardware installation.................................................................................................................................... 20
Initial configuration...................................................................................................................................... 28
Contacting Patton for assistance ................................................................................................................... 32
A Compliance information .............................................................................................................................. 35
B Specifications ................................................................................................................................................ 38
C Cabling ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
D Port pin-outs ................................................................................................................................................ 44
End user license agreement ........................................................................................................................... 47
Table of Contents
Summary Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... 3
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 4
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................. 7
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................................. 8
About this guide ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Audience................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Structure................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Precautions........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Typographical conventions used in this document................................................................................................ 10
General conventions .......................................................................................................................................10
Mouse conventions .........................................................................................................................................11
Model 6081RC overview............................................................................................................................... 12
Product overview...................................................................................................................................................13
Hardware overview................................................................................................................................................15
LAN Ethernet port .........................................................................................................................................17
Packet switched Ethernet bus (PSB) ................................................................................................................17
Backplane Ethernet interfaces .........................................................................................................................17
RS-232 control port ........................................................................................................................................18
Power system ..................................................................................................................................................18
Central processing unit ...................................................................................................................................18
Temperature ...................................................................................................................................................18
Altitude ...........................................................................................................................................................18
Humidity ........................................................................................................................................................18
Physical dimensions ........................................................................................................................................18
Management services ......................................................................................................................................18
LED display ....................................................................................................................................................19
Hardware installation.................................................................................................................................... 20
Unpacking the Model 6081RC .............................................................................................................................21
Installing the PMC Ethernet Access Module onto the 6081RC front blade...........................................................22
Model 6081RC blades installation.........................................................................................................................23
Cable installation...................................................................................................................................................25
Connecting the Ethernet ports ........................................................................................................................25
Connecting the 10/100Base-T Ethernet port to an Ethernet switch or hub ...............................................26
Connecting the 10/100Base-T Ethernet port to an Ethernet-capable workstation or PC ................................26
Connecting the EIA-561 RS-232 configuration port (DCE configured) .........................................................27
Completing the hardware installation....................................................................................................................27
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
Initial configuration...................................................................................................................................... 28
1. Connecting the 6081RC to your PC .................................................................................................................29
Connecting and logging in via the Ethernet port .............................................................................................29
Connecting and logging in via the Console port .............................................................................................30
2. Configuring the desired IP address ....................................................................................................................30
Factory-default IP settings ...............................................................................................................................30
Login ..............................................................................................................................................................30
Changing the IP address .................................................................................................................................31
3. Connecting the 6081RC to the network............................................................................................................31
Contacting Patton for assistance ................................................................................................................... 32
Contact information..............................................................................................................................................33
Warranty Service and Returned Merchandise Authorizations (RMAs)...................................................................33
Warranty coverage ..........................................................................................................................................33
Out-of-warranty service .............................................................................................................................33
Returns for credit ......................................................................................................................................33
Return for credit policy .............................................................................................................................34
RMA numbers ................................................................................................................................................34
Shipping instructions ................................................................................................................................34
A Compliance information .............................................................................................................................. 35
RTTE Directive (CE Mark) ............................................................................................................................36
EMC ...............................................................................................................................................................36
Radio and TV Interference....................................................................................................................................36
FCC Part 68 (ACTA) Statement ...........................................................................................................................36
6081RCCE Declaration of Conformity.................................................................................................................37
Authorized European Representative .....................................................................................................................37
B Specifications ................................................................................................................................................ 38
Routing .................................................................................................................................................................39
RADIUS client......................................................................................................................................................39
IP Services .............................................................................................................................................................39
Ethernet Ports .......................................................................................................................................................39
Front Panel Indicators...........................................................................................................................................39
Ethernet Services ...................................................................................................................................................40
HDLC Services .....................................................................................................................................................40
Management Service..............................................................................................................................................40
Alarm Reporting....................................................................................................................................................40
Physical .................................................................................................................................................................40
C Cabling ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
Console .................................................................................................................................................................42
Ethernet ................................................................................................................................................................43
D Port pin-outs ................................................................................................................................................ 44
Console port..........................................................................................................................................................45
Ethernet ................................................................................................................................................................46
End user license agreement ........................................................................................................................... 47
End User License Agreement.................................................................................................................................48
1. Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................48
2. Title ............................................................................................................................................................48
3. Term ...........................................................................................................................................................48
4. Grant of License ..........................................................................................................................................48
5. Warranty ....................................................................................................................................................48
6. Termination ................................................................................................................................................49
7. Other licenses .............................................................................................................................................49
List of Figures
Model 6081RC front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Installing the PMC card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Alignment/ESD pin and card handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Model 6081RC network and configuration ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Ethernet RJ-45 pin and signal definitions for Model 6081RC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
10 DB-9-to-RJ-45 cable diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
11 Connecting the 6081RC to your laptop PC via the Ethernet port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
12 Connecting the 6081RC to your laptop PC via the console port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
13 Connecting a serial terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
14 Typical Ethernet straight-through cable diagram for 10/100Base-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
15 Typical Ethernet straight-through cable diagram for 1000Base-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
16 EIA-561 (RJ-45 8-pin) port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
List of Tables
General conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
LED definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Factory default IP address and network mask configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
RJ45 socket 10/100Base-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
About this guide
This guide describes installing and configuring a Patton Electronics Model 6081RC EdgeRoute Network
Access Router. By the time you are finished with this guide, your Network Access Router will be ready to accept
routing or bridgin configurations. The instructions in this guide are based on the following assumptions:
• The Model 6081RC will be installed in a Patton ForeFront chassis
• There is a LAN connected to the Ethernet port of the Network Access Router
• There are function cards (i.e. 3096RC, 3196RC, 2616RC, etc.) already installed in the ForeFront chassis
This guide is intended for the following users:
• Operators
• Installers
• Maintenance technicians
This guide contains the following chapters and appendices:
• Appendix E provides license information that describes acceptable usage of the software provided with the
For best results, read the contents of this guide before you install the Model 6081RC.
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
Notes and cautions, which have the following meanings, are used throughout this guide to help you become
aware of potential Model 6081RC problems. Warnings relate to personal injury issues, and Cautions refer to
potential property damage.
Note Calls attention to important information.
The shock hazard symbol and WARNING heading indicate a potential electric
shock hazard. Strictly follow the warning instructions to avoid injury caused
by electric shock.
The alert symbol and WARNING heading indicate a potential safety hazard.
Strictly follow the warning instructions to avoid personal injury.
The shock hazard symbol and CAUTION heading indicate a
potential electric shock hazard. Strictly follow the instructions to
avoid property damage caused by electric shock.
The alert symbol and CAUTION heading indicate a potential haz-
ard. Strictly follow the instructions to avoid property damage.
Typographical conventions used in this document
This section describes the typographical conventions and terms used in this guide.
General conventions
The procedures described in this manual use the following text conventions:
Table 1. General conventions
Indicates a cross-reference hyperlink that points to a figure, graphic,
table, or section heading. Clicking on the hyperlink jumps you to the ref-
erence. When you have finished reviewing the reference, click on the
Garamond blue type
Go to Previous View button
in the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader
toolbar to return to your starting point.
Futura bold type
Italicized Futura type
Futura type
Indicates the names of menu bar options.
Indicates the names of options on pull-down menus.
Indicates the names of fields or windows.
Garamond bold type
Indicates the names of command buttons that execute an action.
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
Table 1. General conventions
Angle brackets indicate function and keyboard keys, such as <Shift>,
<Ctrl>, <C>, and so on.
< >
Are you ready?
% dir *.*
All system messages and prompts appear in the Courierfont as the
system would display them.
Bold Courier font indicates where the operator must type a response or
Mouse conventions
The following conventions are used when describing mouse actions:
Table 2. Mouse conventions
Left mouse button
This button refers to the primary or leftmost mouse button (unless you have
changed the default configuration).
Right mouse button This button refers the secondary or rightmost mouse button (unless you have
changed the default configuration).
This word means to move the mouse in such a way that the tip of the pointing
arrow on the screen ends up resting at the desired location.
Means to quickly press and release the left or right mouse button (as instructed in
the procedure). Make sure you do not move the mouse pointer while clicking a
mouse button.
Means to press and release the same mouse button two times quickly
This word means to point the arrow and then hold down the left or right mouse but-
ton (as instructed in the procedure) as you move the mouse to a new location.
When you have moved the mouse pointer to the desired location, you can release
the mouse button.
Chapter 1 Model 6081RC overview
Chapter contents
Product overview...................................................................................................................................................13
Hardware overview................................................................................................................................................15
LAN Ethernet port .........................................................................................................................................17
Packet switched Ethernet bus (PSB) ................................................................................................................17
Backplane Ethernet interfaces .........................................................................................................................17
RS-232 control port ........................................................................................................................................18
Power system ..................................................................................................................................................18
Central processing unit ...................................................................................................................................18
Temperature ...................................................................................................................................................18
Altitude ...........................................................................................................................................................18
Humidity ........................................................................................................................................................18
Physical dimensions ........................................................................................................................................18
Management services ......................................................................................................................................18
LED display ....................................................................................................................................................19
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
1 • Model 6081RC overview
The Model 6081RC Network Access Router (see figure 1) is a MIPS-based processor blade for the ForeFront
Access Infrastructure System (AIS). With hardware and software features optimized for Layer-2/Layer-3 net-
working, the 6081RC enables the AIS to deliver IP as an access infrastructure element as well as support the
delivery of advanced broadband IP services and applications.
Figure 1. Model 6081RC EdgeRoute Network Access Router
When installed into the 2U, 4U, or 6U ForeFront chassis, the Model 6081RC adds IP routing and access ser-
vices to installed interfaces, such as xDSL, T1/E1, and STM ports. With the addition of data termination
packages, as well as select edge services packages (e.g. DNS), the Model 6081RC provides full-featured
ipDSLAM functionality to any ForeFront system.
The Model 6081RC preserves legacy TDM services while providing Layer-2/Layer-3 services. TDM data
communications can operate seamlessly within the same hardware, the same chassis, even over the same
wired infrastructure.
Product overview
The Model 6081RC is a frame and service edge-routing resource that provides access-to-edge, packet-based
services for IP termination; forwarding; and frame services within a ForeFront AIS chassis. Ideal for use by ser-
vice providers, the Model 6081RC provides:
• Aggregation for customer DSL/T1/E1 to framed network services, including Ethernet bridging and VLAN
v1 and v2
• IP routing and forwarding
• IP access services (including QoS class-based queuing, NAT, and ACLs)
The Model 6081RC interfaces to ForeFront line cards via the TDM chassis. The 6081RC processes packets at
50k packets per second (pps). The main differences based on the processor chosen. With access to all 4,096
DS0s the 6081RC allows up to 2,048 discreet full-duplex data connections from a single card.
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
1 • Model 6081RC overview
Network connections may come from any number of ForeFront interfaces. The 6018RC allows any resource
card within ForeFront to deliver TDM and IP/packet services on a DS0-by-DS0, connection-by-connection
The ForeFront system with the 6081RC allows:
• Any DSL or T1/E1 port to deliver IP access
• This access can be offered simultaneously with other TDM services
• This access can be on the same DSL or T1/E1 link as the same time
Leveraging ForeFront’s any-to-any architecture packet services expands the scope of services from a single
installed system. Providers can now use ForeFront for simultaneous TDM/leased-line and packet service deliv-
ery. The smart carrier today wishes to incorporate IP/L2/L3 services as an infrastructure element into their ser-
vice offering. Based on the foundation of intelligent TDM switching and integrated DACsing, the Patton
ForeFront architecture is highlighted by the following key features:
• Any DS0 level timeslot can be used for either TDM or IP Accesses. This is operator selectable and not lim-
ited by a module, external equipment, or backplane capabilities.
• Access to any DS0 is completely non-blocking. In other words, you are not limited to a specific data
path/backplane, service selection based on the capabilities of a module, or it’s location within a shelf.
• Delivery using Integrated wires through the use of the standard and integrated DACS. Now, both TDM
and IP can be offered on the same DSL, E1, or STM/VC12 ports at the same time. For example, using the
Patton 3086 IAD, you can deliver nx64kbps for TDM access and select the remaining bandwidth for
Packet access. Both services can run at the same time over the same port and terminate at the customer
premise in a single low-cost unit.
• Local network based and processing and termination. We continue legacy TDM services without disrup-
tion, but add value-added protocol internetworking to those TDM applications.
The 6081RC connects directly to all channels (4,096) on the H.110 bus and is agnostic to the line interface
method. The current set of compatible ForeFront resources which interface to the 6081RC include:
• 3096RC G.SHDSL 16 port, 64-kbps–4.6 Mbps, 2-wire access
• 3196RC iDSL 16 port, 64/128/144-kbps, 2-wire access
• 2616RC T1/E1 DACs bulk DS0 cross-connecting
• 6511RC STM-1 (63 E1s, 84 T1s per connection)
Since the 6081RC can go into any of the available slots processing and routing/switching power can be
increased by simply adding more cards to a system. The following tables indicates the number of 6081RCs that
can placed into a single chassis:
Card support
Model 6276 (2U)
Model 6476 (4U)
Model 6676 (6U)
Supports up to 4 6081RC
Supports up to 8 6081RC
Supports up to 17 6081RC
Product overview
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
1 • Model 6081RC overview
The 6081RC’s applications give life to the hardware features of the 6081RC. Details of the software applica-
tions are indicated in the section 6081RC IP Access Server Functionality.
• PPP Bridging and Routing
• VLAN Ethernet Support
• RIPv1 and v2 and static routing
• SNMPv1,2,3
• HTTP/web for management
• NTP Network Time
• Syslog
Additionally, new applications such as L2TP, IPSEC, and MPLS will be added in releases subsequent releases.
The HTTP WEB GUI provides for easy configuration, provisioning, and management. Full SNMP control of
the device allows standardized OSS configuration and provisioning when used with an external FCAPS NMS.
Using SNMP management, the 6081RC is fully configured, managed and monitored via Patton’s ForeSight
EMS solutions. With ForeSight, a Graphical User Interface provides an intuitive, real-life representation of all
installed ForeFront equipment and enables network managers to control and monitor device functions, port
settings and receive device status information and statistics via SNMP. Features include management, a
routable configuration utility, SNMP trap manager, device autoscan, automatic configuration and device firm-
ware downloads and more. The user and NMS have full remote control for provisioning, alarms, accounting,
and security.
Hardware overview
• 6U single-slot card
• MIPS64 CPU (800-MHz)
• 128 Mbytes of RAM
• 32 Mbytes or 64 Mbytes of Flash memory
• Capacitor-backed real-time clock with two week’s duration of standby power
• 16 kbytes of non-volatile data storage in EEPROM
Hardware overview
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
1 • Model 6081RC overview
Mezzanine Card
Interface 1
Mezzanine Card
Interface 2
10/100 ENET
Figure 2. Model 6081RC front panel
• Two packet switch buss 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports
• Optional full termination of TDM chassis bus into 1024-channel HDLC controller
• Hot-swap support
Hardware overview
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
1 • Model 6081RC overview
LAN Ethernet port
Front panel 10/100-Mbps Ethernet LAN port labeled ENET (ETH0) is presented on a RJ-45 connector with
an auto-sensing/full-duplex 10Base-T or 100Base-T interface. Also included are:
• 100Base-TX half-/full-duplex operation (100 + 100)
• 10Base-T half-/full-duplex operation (10 + 10)
• Auto negotiation and fallback
• 10/100 Mbps link and status indicators on the RJ-45 connector
• Two LEDs per port (see figure 3): link/traffic LED (solid green when link is established; flashing green
when the port has traffic) and 10/100 Mbps LED (solid yellow at 100 Mbps; off at 10 Mbps)
10/100 Mbps
Figure 3. Model 6081RC Ethernet port LEDs
Packet switched Ethernet bus (PSB)
• Two internal Ethernet buses connecting over the mid-plane for intercard communication within the chassis
(or chassis segments of the Model 6676)
• Hash-table-based address filtering for up to 8k MAC addresses, unicast and multicast
• Wire-speed DMA transfer of entire MAC frame to system memory
Backplane Ethernet interfaces
• Two internal Ethernet ports connecting to backplane for intercard communication
• Auto-sensing full/half-duplex 10Base-T/100Base-TX operation, IEEE 802.3 compliant
• Hash-table-based address filtering for up to 8k MAC addresses, unicast and multicast
• Wire-speed DMA transfer of entire MAC frame to system memory
Hardware overview
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
1 • Model 6081RC overview
• Two LEDs per port (see figure 3): link/traffic LED (solid green when link is established; flashing green
when the port has traffic) and 10/100 Mbps LED (solid yellow at 100 Mbps; off at 10 Mbps)
Note When the Fast-Ethernet PMC module (part number
PEC1/FENET/2/TX) is installed in PMC slot 2, you may redirect
one or both internal Ethernet ports B and C to the front-panel RJ-45
connectors B and C. Redirecting an Ethernet port to the front panel
disables the backplane interface for that port.
RS-232 control port
The RS-232 port provides for initial configuration of the Model 6081RC’s IP and gateway addresses. The RS-
232 port supports:
• Asynchronous data rates of 19.2 kbps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
• An RJ-45 connector with EIA-561 pinouts
• A management interface that supports VT-100 terminals
• Hardware flow control (RTS and CTS)
Power system
The Model 6081RC is powered internally by the ForeFront chassis power system.
Central processing unit
Model 6081RC CPU processing power and memory are listed in the following table:
6081RC/800 RM7965 processor, 800MHz. 128Mb RAM, 32 Mb Flash
50 kpps
a. Packets per second routing without filtering and QoS
32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C)
Maximum operating altitude: 15,000 feet (4,752 meters)
5 to 90% relative humidity (RH), non-condensing
Physical dimensions
• 1.75 inches (4.44 cm) height, standard 19-inch (48.26 cm) width, 12-inch (30.48 cm) depth
• Weight: 1.5 lbs (0.7 kg)
Management services
• Out-of-band RS-232 configuration port for management and control
• SNMP version 1,2,3 MIB II configuration management
Hardware overview
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
1 • Model 6081RC overview
• SYSLOG client
• Remote software upgrade via FTP
• Built-in HTTP server for complete configuration and control using a standard WWW browser
10/100 Mbps
Figure 4. Model 6081RC LEDs
LED display
Front panel LEDs (see figure 4) display the status of the power system, layer-2 link, the Ethernet LAN port,
Table 3. LED definitions
Color Status
Green On solid Power is being applied.
Flashing The 6081RC is in boot-up sequence.
Off No input power is being applied.
Green Flashing The 6081RC is operating properly.
Off Link has not been established.
Green On solid Indicates at least one of three Ethernet ports is active
Off None of the Ethernet ports is active
(Layer 2 Link)
Green On solid Link is established
Flashing The port has traffic.
(front panel
ENET port)
Link has not been established.
10/100 Mbps
(front panel
ENET port)
Yellow On solid Port is operating at 100 Mbps
Port is operating at 10 Mbps
Card ready for removal from ForeFront chassis.
Card not ready for removal from ForeFront chassis.
Hardware overview
Chapter 2 Hardware installation
Chapter contents
Unpacking the Model 6081RC .............................................................................................................................21
Installing the PMC Ethernet Access Module onto the 6081RC front blade...........................................................22
Model 6081RC blades installation.........................................................................................................................23
Cable installation...................................................................................................................................................25
Connecting the Ethernet ports ........................................................................................................................25
Connecting the 10/100Base-T Ethernet port to an Ethernet switch or hub ...............................................26
Connecting the 10/100Base-T Ethernet port to an Ethernet-capable workstation or PC ................................26
Connecting the EIA-561 RS-232 configuration port (DCE configured) .........................................................27
Completing the hardware installation....................................................................................................................27
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
2 • Hardware installation
This chapter contains the following procedures for installing the Model 6081RC:
• “Model 6081RC blades installation”—describes installing the Network Access Router in a ForeFront chas-
• “Completing the hardware installation” on page 27—describes testing the 6081RC hardware to verify that
it is ready for software configuration
Unpacking the Model 6081RC
Inspect the shipping carton for external damage. Note any damage before removing the container contents.
Report equipment damage to the shipping carrier immediately for claim purposes. Save all packing materials in
case you need to return an item to the factory for servicing.
The Model 6081RC comes with the following items:
• The Model 6081RC rack card unit
• One RJ45-to-RJ45 cable for use with the console and Ethernet ports
• A DB9-RJ45 (EIA-561) adapter for connecting a PC's serial port to the 6081RC console port
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
2 • Hardware installation
Installing the PMC Ethernet Access Module onto the
6081RC front blade
You may purchase an optional PMC Ethernet Access Module for the Model 6081RC. The PMC Ethernet
Access Module may be factory installed, or you may order it separately for installation in the field. The Model
must only be installed in PMC slot 2, do not install it in PMC slot 1.
PMC card
Remove PMC cover
from front panel
PMC slot 2
PMC slot 1
Do not install the
PMC in this slot
Use M2.5 x 6 mm long screw to
mount PPMC card to 6081RC
Figure 5. Installing the PMC card
Installing the PMC Ethernet Access Module onto the 6081RC front blade
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
2 • Hardware installation
To install the Ethernet Access Module in your Model 6081RC, do the following:
You must wear the anti-static strap to avoid electrostatic damage
to the 6081RC or to the PMC Ethernet Access Module.
The 6081RC must not be installed in the chassis when installing
the PMC Ethernet Access Module.
The PMC Ethernet Access Module must be installed in PMC
slot 2. Do not install it in PMC slot 1.
1. Set the Model 6081RC on a flat anti-static surface with the circuitry facing upward.
2. Remove the PMC slot 2 protective cover from the Model 6081RC front panel (see figure 5 on page 22).
3. Insert the front panel of the PMC card into the cutout for PMC slot 2 on the front panel of the Model
4. Align the two connectors on the PMC card with the corresonding connectors on the Model 6081RC (see
5. Gently and firmly press down on the rear of the PMC card, so that the connectors mate and snap
into place.
6. Install the 4 fastening screws as shown in figure 5 on page 22. Gently tighten the screws into place.
Model 6081RC blades installation
The Model 6081RC installs in a Patton ForeFront chassis. The 6081RC is hot-swappable so it is not necessary
to power down the chassis before installing the blade.
Do not work on the system or connect or disconnect cables during periods of
lightning activity.
Ultimate disposal of this equipment must be handled according
to all applicable national laws and regulations.
Note Verify that the rack chassis is properly grounded before installing the
Model 6081RC blades. An adequate ground can be achieved by con-
necting a #10 AWG ground wire between the rack chassis grounding
stud and one of the following ground sources:
Model 6081RC blades installation
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
2 • Hardware installation
The building ground rod (generally located at the site’s main ser-
vice entrance)
A sprinkler system pipe
A cold-water pipe
Building structural steel
1. If you have not done so already, remove the Model 6081RC from its shipping container.
Note Be sure to wear the anti-static strap to prevent electrostatic damage to
the blade.
Note The location should be well ventilated. Do not block the rack chassis’
cooling vents.
2. Insert the rear blade into the desired slot in the rack chassis. Make sure the blade is seated properly in the
slot guides.
Card handle
Alignment/ESD pin
Figure 6. Alignment/ESD pin and card handle
3. Gently press the blade into the chassis until the alignment/ESD pin (see figure 6) engages the chassis.
When the blade is fully seated, the red buttons in the handles click up automatically, thus locking the han-
dle and activating the switch (closed position). The click of the button gives a visual and audible confirma-
tion that the board is fully seated.
Model 6081RC blades installation
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
2 • Hardware installation
Cable installation
This section describes installing the network interface cables.
The interconnecting cables shall be acceptable for external use
and shall be rated for the proper application with respect to volt-
age, current, anticipated temperature, flammability, and
mechanical serviceability.
Connecting the Ethernet ports
The Model 6081RC comes with three Ethernet ports. One Ethernet port is presented on the front panel via an
RJ-45 connector (figure 7), and two internal Ethernet ports that connect to the PICMG 2.16 backplane for inter-
card communication. All Ethernet ports will autosense the correct speed (10 or 100 Mbps) of the connection and
automatically negotiate half or full-duplex operation. This section describes connecting the front panel Ethernet
port on the Model 6081RC to an Ethernet LAN via an Ethernet hub, switch, or workstation.
Mezzanine Card
Interface 1
Mezzanine Card
Interface 2
10/100 ENET
Figure 7. Model 6081RC network and configuration ports
Cable installation
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
2 • Hardware installation
Connecting the 10/100Base-T Ethernet port to an Ethernet switch or hub
The 10/100Base-T Ethernet port (see figure 7 on page 25) is designed to connect to an Ethernet switch or
hub. The Ethernet RJ-45 pin and signal definitions for the Network Access Router or for a NIC card in a
figure 8) between the Model 6081RC and the hub/switch.
Figure 8. Ethernet RJ-45 pin and signal definitions for Model 6081RC
Connecting the 10/100Base-T Ethernet port to an Ethernet-capable
workstation or PC
The 10/100Base-T Ethernet port can connect to a single Ethernet-capable workstation or PC by means of a
cross over cable. Refer to figure 9 to assemble a cross-connect cable that will connect between the NIC Ether-
net port in the workstation and the Network Access Router 10/100Base-T Ethernet port.
Figure 9. Cross-over RJ-45-to-RJ-45 Ethernet cable diagram
Cable installation
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
2 • Hardware installation
Connecting the EIA-561 RS-232 configuration port (DCE configured)
Install the supplied RJ-45-to-RJ-45 cable with the DB9-RJ45 adapter between the Model 6081RC RS-232
port (see figure 7 on page 25) and an open serial port on your computer. If you need to assemble your own
Figure 10. DB-9-to-RJ-45 cable diagram
Completing the hardware installation
This section verifies that the Model 6081RC hardware is operational to the point where you can begin config-
uring the software settings.
Power is delivered from the chassis backplane through the power connectors on the 6081RC blades. Upon
insertion into the ForeFront chassis, the Model 6081RC immediately powers up and begins its boot cycle.
During the boot cycle the following should occur:
1. The POWER LED illuminates, indicating normal power is being applied to the 6081RC.
2. The L2 LINK LED begins flashing, indicating the 6081RC is operating normally.
Hardware installation is now complete. To configure the 6081RC for operation, refer to Chapter 3, “Initial
Completing the hardware installation
Chapter 3 Initial configuration
Chapter contents
1. Connecting the 6081RC to your PC .................................................................................................................29
Connecting and logging in via the Ethernet port .............................................................................................29
Connecting and logging in via the Console port .............................................................................................30
2. Configuring the desired IP address ....................................................................................................................30
Factory-default IP settings ...............................................................................................................................30
Login ..............................................................................................................................................................30
Changing the IP address .................................................................................................................................31
3. Connecting the 6081RC to the network............................................................................................................31
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
3 • Initial configuration
This chapter leads you through the basic steps to set up a new 6081RC and to download a configuration. Set-
ting up a new 6081RC consists of the following main steps:
• Connecting the 6081RC to your laptop PC
• Configuring the desired IP address
• Connecting the 6081RC to the network
1. Connecting the 6081RC to your PC
First the 6081RC must be connected to the mains power supply with the power cable. Wait until the Power
LED stops blinking and stays lit constantly. Now the 6081RC is ready.
The interconnecting cables shall be acceptable for external use
and shall be rated for the proper application with respect to volt-
age, current, anticipated temperature, flammability, and
mechanical serviceability.
Connecting and logging in via the Ethernet port
The 6081RC is equipped with an Auto-MDX Ethernet port, so you can use straight-through cables for host or
MODEL 6081RC Network Access Server
10/100 ENET
Ethernet port
Connect to Ethernet LAN
port, ETH 0
Figure 11. Connecting the 6081RC to your laptop PC via the Ethernet port
The 6081RC comes with a built-in DHCP server to simplify configuration. Therefore, to automatically con-
figure the PC for IP connectivity to the 6081RC, the laptop PC must be configured for DHCP. The 6081RC
will provide the PC with an IP address. You can check the connection to the 6081RC by executing the ping
command from the PC command window as follows:
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
3 • Initial configuration
Connecting and logging in via the Console port
To access the 6081RC configuration via the Console port, connect the DB9-RJ45 adapter to the DB-9 serial
port on the PC or dumb terminal. Use the RJ45 straight-through cable between the adapter and the Console
port on the 6081RC. (see figure 12). Do NOT connect the device to the Ethernet LAN now. On the PC, start
a HyperTerminal session at 19200 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no flow control, and no parity. Log into the unit
using the username admin. Leave the password field empty.
MODEL 6081RC Network Access Server
10/100 ENET
DB-9 serial port
Connect to Console port
RJ45 to DB-9 adapter
Figure 12. Connecting the 6081RC to your laptop PC via the console port
2. Configuring the desired IP address
Factory-default IP settings
The factory default configuration for the Ethernet interface IP address and network mask is listed in table 4. The
Ethernet interfacee is activated upon power-up.
Table 4. Factory default IP address and network mask configuration
IP Address
Network Mask
LAN interface Ethernet 0 (ETH 0)
If this addresse matches with those of your network, go to section “3. Connecting the 6081RC to the network”
on page 31. Otherwise, refer to the following sections to change the address and network mask.
To access the 6081RC, start the Telnet application. Type the default IP address for the router into the address
field: Accessing your 6081RC via a Telnet session displays the login screen. Type the factory
default login: admin and password: <blank>.
2. Configuring the desired IP address
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
3 • Initial configuration
login: admin
Changing the IP address
You can set your IP address and network mask for the interface ETH 0 (LAN). Within this example a network address is assumed. The IP address in this example is set to (you should set this
the IP address given to you by your network provider).
Trinity# configure
Trinity[config]# interface ethernet eth0
Trinity[eth-eth0]# no ip address
Trinity[eth-eth0]# ip address netmask
Copy this modified configuration to your new start-up configuration. This will store your changes in non-vol-
atile memory. Upon the next start-up the system will initialize itself using the modified configuration.
Trinity#copy running-config startup-config
The 6081RC can now be connected to your network.
3. Connecting the 6081RC to the network
In general, the 6081RC will connect to the network via the LAN (ETH 0) port. The 6081RC is equipped with
Auto-MDX Ethernet port, so you can use straight-through or crossover cables for host or hub/switch connec-
The interconnecting cables shall be acceptable for external use
and shall be rated for the proper application with respect to volt-
age, current, anticipated temperature, flammability, and
mechanical serviceability.
You can check the connection with the ping command from the 6081RC to another host on the network.
Trinity#ping <IP Address of the host>
Note If the WAN address is not set to DHCP, to ping a device outside your local
LAN you must first configure the default gateway.
Note For more detailed configuration instructions, see the Trinity Administrator’s
3. Connecting the 6081RC to the network
Chapter 4 Contacting Patton for assistance
Chapter contents
Contact information..............................................................................................................................................33
Warranty Service and Returned Merchandise Authorizations (RMAs)...................................................................33
Warranty coverage ..........................................................................................................................................33
Out-of-warranty service .............................................................................................................................33
Returns for credit ......................................................................................................................................33
Return for credit policy .............................................................................................................................34
RMA numbers ................................................................................................................................................34
Shipping instructions ................................................................................................................................34
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
4 • Contacting Patton for assistance
This chapter contains the following information:
RAS warranty and obtaining a return merchandise authorization (RMA).
Contact information
Patton Electronics offers a wide array of free technical services. If you have questions about any of our other
products we recommend you begin your search for answers by using our technical knowledge base. Here, we
have gathered together many of the more commonly asked questions and compiled them into a searchable
database to help you quickly solve your problems.
• Telephone support—standard telephone support is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to
5:00 P.M. EST (8:00 to 17:00 UTC-5), Monday through Friday by calling +1 (301) 975-1007
Warranty Service and Returned Merchandise Authorizations (RMAs)
Patton Electronics is an ISO-9001 certified manufacturer and our products are carefully tested before ship-
ment. All of our products are backed by a comprehensive warranty program.
Note If you purchased your equipment from a Patton Electronics reseller,
ask your reseller how you should proceed with warranty service. It is
often more convenient for you to work with your local reseller to
obtain a replacement. Patton services our products no matter how
you acquired them.
Warranty coverage
Our products are under warranty to be free from defects, and we will, at our option, repair or replace the prod-
uct should it fail within one year from the first date of shipment. Our warranty is limited to defects in work-
manship or materials, and does not cover customer damage, lightning or power surge damage, abuse, or
unauthorized modification.
Out-of-warranty service
Patton services what we sell, no matter how you acquired it, including malfunctioning products that are no
longer under warranty. Our products have a flat fee for repairs. Units damaged by lightning or elephants may
require replacement.
Returns for credit
Customer satisfaction is important to us, therefore any product may be returned with authorization within 30
days from the shipment date for a full credit of the purchase price. If you have ordered the wrong equipment or
you are dissatisfied in any way, please contact us to request an RMA number to accept your return. Patton is
not responsible for equipment returned without a Return Authorization.
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
4 • Contacting Patton for assistance
Return for credit policy
• Less than 30 days: No Charge. Your credit will be issued upon receipt and inspection of the equipment.
• 30 to 120 days: We will add a 20% restocking charge (crediting your account with 80% of the purchase
• Over 120 days: Products will be accepted for repairs only.
RMA numbers
RMA numbers are required for all product returns. You can obtain an RMA by doing one of the following:
• By calling +1 (301) 975-1000 and speaking to a Technical Support Engineer
All returned units must have the RMA number clearly visible on the outside of the shipping container. Please use
the original packing material that the device came in or pack the unit securely to avoid damage during shipping.
Shipping instructions
The RMA number should be clearly visible on the address label. Our shipping address is as follows:
Patton Electronics Company
RMA#: xxxx
7622 Rickenbacker Dr.
Gaithersburg, MD 20879-4773 USA
Patton will ship the equipment back to you in the same manner you ship it to us. Patton will pay the return
shipping costs.
Warranty Service and Returned Merchandise Authorizations (RMAs)
Appendix A Compliance information
Chapter contents
RTTE Directive (CE Mark) ............................................................................................................................36
EMC ...............................................................................................................................................................36
Radio and TV Interference....................................................................................................................................36
FCC Part 68 (ACTA) Statement ...........................................................................................................................36
6081RCCE Declaration of Conformity.................................................................................................................37
Authorized European Representative .....................................................................................................................37
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
A • Compliance information
The Model 6081RC EdgeRoute Network Access Server has achieved the following approvals and certifica-
RTTE Directive (CE Mark)
• EMC Directive 89/336/EEC
• Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC (EN 60950)
• FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class A
Radio and TV Interference
The 6081RC router generates and uses radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used properly-that is, in
strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions-may cause interference to radio and television reception.
The 6081RC router have been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device in
accordance with specifications in Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable
protection from such interference in a commercial installation. However, there is no guarantee that interfer-
ence will not occur in a particular installation. If the 6081RC router does cause interference to radio or televi-
sion reception, which can be determined by disconnecting the unit, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures: moving the computing equipment away from the
receiver, re-orienting the receiving antenna and/or plugging the receiving equipment into a different AC outlet
(such that the computing equipment and receiver are on different branches).
FCC Part 68 (ACTA) Statement
This equipment complies with Part 68 of FCC rules and the requirements adopted by ACTA. On the bottom
side of this equipment is a label that contains—among other information—a product identifier in the format
US: AAAEQ##TXXXX. If requested, this number must be provided to the telephone company.
The method used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with
the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA.
If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance
that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice isn’t practical, the telephone
company will notify the customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint
with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could
affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens the telephone company will provide advance notice in
order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please contact our company.
If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you dis-
connect the equipment until the problem is resolved.
Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the state public utility commission, public
service commission or corporation commission for information.
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
A • Compliance information
6081RCCE Declaration of Conformity
This equipment conforms to the requirements of Council Directive 1999/5/EC on the approximation of the
laws of the member states relating to Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment and the mutual rec-
ognition of their conformity.
The safety advice in the documentation accompanying this product shall be obeyed. The conformity to the
above directive is indicated by CE sign on the device.
Authorized European Representative
D R M Green
European Compliance Services Limited.
Oakdene House, Oak Road
Watchfield, Swindon, Wilts SN6 8TD, UK
6081RCCE Declaration of Conformity
Appendix B Specifications
Chapter contents
Routing .................................................................................................................................................................39
RADIUS client......................................................................................................................................................39
IP Services .............................................................................................................................................................39
Ethernet Ports .......................................................................................................................................................39
Front Panel Indicators...........................................................................................................................................39
Ethernet Services ...................................................................................................................................................40
HDLC Services .....................................................................................................................................................40
Management Service..............................................................................................................................................40
Alarm Reporting....................................................................................................................................................40
Physical .................................................................................................................................................................40
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
B • Specifications
RIPv1 (RFC 1058)
RIPv2 (RFC 2453)
VLSM (RFC 1878)
RADIUS client
Authentication (RFC 2865 & 2868)
Accounting (RFC 2866 & 2867)
PAP (RFC 1332)
CHAP (RFC 1334 & 1994)
IP Services
ARP (RFC0826)
Proxy-ARP (RFC1027)
ICMP (RFC0950, RFC1256)
NTPv3 (RFC1305)
IGMP & IGMPv2 (RFC2236)
NAT (RFC 1631/2663/2766/2993)
Ethernet Ports
Dual 10/100BaseT (RJ-45 connector)
Half or full duplex operation
Front Panel Indicators
LEDs for power, CPU, system, Ethernet, External clock, and test mode
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
B • Specifications
Ethernet Services
802.1q VLAN tagging
Transparent passing of VLAN tagged Ethernet frames
HDLC Services
PPP (RFC 1661, 2153)
LCP (RFC 1570, 2484)
BCP (RFC 1638)
IPCP (RFC 1332)
Management Service
Telnet Ethernet
RS-232 Console Port
Software upgrade via FTP
Alarm Reporting
Configurable alarms
Remote SNMP Traps
Front Panel LEDs
UL/CSA per UL1950 (METS) Canadian cMET and CS-03.
Dimensions–Front Blade: 0.75 H x 10.5 W x 6.3 D in. (1.9 H x 26.7 W x 16.0 D cm)
Dimensions–Rear Blade: 0.75 H x 10.5 W x 3.15 D in. (1.9 H x 26.7 W x 8.0 D cm)
Operating temperature: 0-40°C (32-104°F)
Operating humidity: 5-90% non-condensing
Ethernet Services
Appendix C Cabling
Chapter contents
Console .................................................................................................................................................................42
Ethernet ................................................................................................................................................................43
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
C • Cabling
This section provides information on the cables used to connect the 6081RC and the interface cards to the
existing network infrastructure and to third party products.
The 6081RC can be connected to a serial terminal over its serial console port, as depicted in figure 13.
The interconnecting cables shall be acceptable for external use
and shall be rated for the proper application with respect to volt-
age, current, anticipated temperature, flammability, and
mechanical serviceability.
MODEL 6081RC Network Access Server
10/100 ENET
DB-9 serial port
Connect to Console port
RJ45 to DB-9 adapter
Figure 13. Connecting a serial terminal
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
C • Cabling
Ethernet devices (10Base-T/100Base-T/1000Base-T) are connected to the 6081RC over a cable with RJ-45
plugs. The Ethernet port on the 6081RC is Auto-MDX use any straight or crossover cable to connect to hubs,
switches, PCs or other devices.
The interconnecting cables shall be acceptable for external use
and shall be rated for the proper application with respect to volt-
age, current, anticipated temperature, flammability, and
mechanical serviceability.
MODEL 6081RC Network Access Server
10/100 ENET
Straight-through cable
RJ-45, male
RJ-45, male
Note: Other pins are not used.
Figure 14. Typical Ethernet straight-through cable diagram for 10/100Base-T
RJ-45, male
RJ-45, male
Figure 15. Typical Ethernet straight-through cable diagram for 1000Base-T
Appendix D Port pin-outs
Chapter contents
Console port..........................................................................................................................................................45
Ethernet ................................................................................................................................................................46
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
D • Port pin-outs
This section provides pin-out information for the ports of the 6081RC.
Console port
Configuration settings: 9600 bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control
8–RTS (N/C)
7–CTS (N/C)
2–CD (N/C)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pins 1 & 3 are
connected together
Figure 16. EIA-561 (RJ-45 8-pin) port
Note N/C means no internal electrical connection.
Appendix E End user license agreement
Chapter contents
End User License Agreement.................................................................................................................................48
1. Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................48
2. Title ............................................................................................................................................................48
3. Term ...........................................................................................................................................................48
4. Grant of License ..........................................................................................................................................48
5. Warranty ....................................................................................................................................................48
6. Termination ................................................................................................................................................49
7. Other licenses .............................................................................................................................................49
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
E • End user license agreement
End User License Agreement
By opening this package, operating the Designated Equipment or downloading the Program(s) electronically,
the End User agrees to the following conditions:
1. Definitions
A) Effective Date shall mean the earliest date of purchase or download of a product containing the Patton
Electronics Company Program(s) or the Program(s) themselves.
B) Program(s) shall mean all software, software documentation, source code, object code, or executable code.
C) End User shall mean the person or organization which has valid title to the Designated Equipment.
D) Designated Equipment shall mean the hardware on which the Program(s) have been designed and pro-
vided to operate by Patton Electronics Company.
2. Title
Title to the Program(s), all copies of the Program(s), all patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets and proprietary
information in the Program(s), worldwide, remains with Patton Electronics Company or its licensors.
3. Term
The term of this Agreement is from the Effective Date until title of the Designated Equipment is transferred by
End User or unless the license is terminated earlier as defined in section “6. Termination” on page 49.
4. Grant of License
A) During the term of this Agreement, Patton Electronics Company grants a personal, non-transferable,
non-assignable and non-exclusive license to the End User to use the Program(s) only with the Designated
Equipment at a site owned or leased by the End User.
B) The End User may copy licensed Program(s) as necessary for backup purposes only for use with the Des-
ignated Equipment that was first purchased or used or its temporary or permanent replacement.
C) The End User is prohibited from disassembling; decompiling, reverse-engineering or otherwise attempt-
ing to discover or disclose the Program(s), source code, methods or concepts embodied in the Program(s)
or having the same done by another party.
D) Should End User transfer title of the Designated Equipment to a third party after entering into this
license agreement, End User is obligated to inform the third party in writing that a separate End User
License Agreement from Patton Electronics Company is required to operate the Designated Equipment.
5. Warranty
The Program(s) are provided as is without warranty of any kind. Patton Electronics Company and its licensors
disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of mer-
chantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. In no event shall Patton Electronics Com-
pany or its licensors be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of
business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the
use of or inability to use the Program(s), even if Patton Electronics Company has been advised of the possibil-
ity of such damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential
or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
End User License Agreement
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual
E • End user license agreement
If the Program(s) are acquired by or on behalf of a unit or agency of the United States Government, the Gov-
ernment agrees that such Program(s) are commercial computer software or computer software documentation and
that, absent a written agreement to the contrary, the Government’s rights with respect to such Program(s) are
limited by the terms of this Agreement, pursuant to Federal Acquisition Regulations 12.212(a) and/or DEARS
227.7202-1(a) and/or sub-paragraphs (a) through (d) of the “Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights” clause at 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations as applicable.
6. Termination
A) The End User may terminate this agreement by returning the Designated Equipment and destroying all
copies of the licensed Program(s).
B) Patton Electronics Company may terminate this Agreement should End User violate any of the provi-
C) Upon termination for A or B above or the end of the Term, End User is required to destroy all copies of
the licensed Program(s)
7. Other licenses
The Program may be subject to licenses extended by third parties. Accordingly, Patton Electronics Company
licenses the Programs subject to the terms and conditions dictated by third parties. Third party software identi-
fied to the Programs includes:
• A routing license is included at no charge.
• MGCP capabilities will require the purchase of an additional license.
• The LGPL (Lesser General Public License) open source license distributed to you pursuant to the LGPL
license terms (
• RedBoot (Red Hat Embedded Debug and Bootstrap) embedded system debug/bootstrap environment
from Red Hat distributed to you pursuant to the eCos license terms (
Source code is available upon request.
End User License Agreement
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