Nortel Networks Telephone C3050 REV2 User Manual

C3050 REV2 Portable Telephone (PCI)  
User Guide  
Getting started  
Before you use your portable for the first time, see “Safety  
information” on page 32.You should also charge its battery  
pack overnight in the rear charger slot (see “All about  
batteries and recharging” on page 28).  
The parts of your  
volume switch  
headset jack  
N o te : The three buttons directly below your portables display are  
called softkeys. Their labels appear on the display with an underline  
above the button to which they are assigned. A softkey label is shown  
like this in this user guide:  
Setting your portable  
to ring  
To set your portable to one of the three ringing options,  
select the top ( ), middle ( ), or bottom ( ) position of the  
control switch.  
top: portable on, rings normally  
middle: portable on, rings once or  
not at all,
bottom: no incoming calls, but  
outgoing calls can be made if the  
flap is open  
Answering a call  
If the flap is already open, press  
is closed, open it. If the flap is closed and the headset is  
. If the flap  
connected, press  
on, press  
. If Flap Closed operation is turned  
or open the flap.  
Accessing features  
during a call  
To access the menu while on a call, press  
the appropriate softkey.  
, then select  
Making a call  
Dial the telephone number directly or:  
• dial from your directory (see “Using your personal  
directory” on page 8)  
• predial (see “Customizing your portable” on page 14)  
• press a customized softkey (see “Customizing softkeys”  
on page 23)  
Ending a call  
Portable Icons  
If the flap is open, close the flap or press  
using the headset, press . If Flap Closed operation is  
turned on, press  
. If you are  
Battery strength indicators (strong to very weak)  
Radio signal strength indicator (strong to very weak)  
Vibrator indicator  
Mute button  
End button  
Line button  
Menu button  
Telephone directory button  
System button  
Making two calls in a  
Leave the flap open, press  
portable maintains its radio connection for another call.  
after your first call. The  
Keeping your  
To maintain your call, stay in the radio coverage area. If you  
have problems with your connection, retrace your steps. The  
signal strength icon indicates if the signal is becoming  
stronger or weaker.  
Muting a call  
To prevent your caller from hearing you, press  
side of the portable. The display shows  
on the left  
and then in  
flashes. To end muting, press  
Redialing last  
Your portable is set up so that you can redial the last  
number you dialed by pressing when it appears.  
Dialing the last caller  
You can view the names of the last two callers when  
appears on the display. Press  
to view  
to call  
the names. Press  
the number or  
to view the number. Press  
to delete the number. To add the  
name to the Directory, press  
Adjusting the  
speaker volume  
While on a call, use the volume control to adjust the  
volume of the other party’s voice.  
N o te : In a noisy environment, its a good idea to use the portable with  
a headset (see “Using your headset” on page 12).  
Adjusting the ringing  
When the phone is ringing you can adjust the ringing  
volume with the volume switch. The ringing volume can  
only be adjusted when the control switch is in the top ( )  
position. When the phone is not ringing, use the Menu to  
access the volume adjustment levels.  
to increase volume, press here  
to reduce volume, press here  
Using more than one  
You can use your portable with up to six Companion  
systems. For example, if you work at two locations, it’s  
possible to register your C3050 at both locations, even  
though they use separate systems. When you open the flap,  
the display shows the name of the currently selected  
system. To change systems, press  
N o te : If your portable has not been registered, the display shows  
when you open the flap. If you wish to register  
to more systems or are having trouble with your registration, call the  
contact for your system.  
Flap closed  
You can make and receive calls with the portable’s flap  
closed. To enable Flap closed operation, press  
or , and select  
, then  
When an incoming call rings on the portable, press  
To terminate a call, press  
Using your personal directory  
Your portable has an alphabetical directory that allows you  
to store up to 50 entries for telephone numbers, feature  
codes, or both.  
Moving through the  
Once you have stored directory entries, you can move  
through them quickly by pressing the first letter of the  
entry you want. For example to look at listings under ,  
, then  
; to enter , press  
, then  
. If there is more than one entry under a letter,  
to keep looking.  
N o te : Use  
to choose special characters such as  
Storing directory  
1. Press  
2. Enter the telephone number or feature code, then press  
. (See the applicable Using your C3050 Portable  
feature reference card for more information about  
feature codes.)  
3. Enter the first letter of the name by pressing the button  
that has the letter you want. For example to enter ,  
; to enter , press  
4. Enter the rest of the letters as shown in step 3. Use  
to move the cursor forward if the next letter you want is  
on the same button, or select  
to insert a space.  
5. When the name is complete, press  
Hin t: If you want an entry to appear at the start of your directory,  
make its first character a space using  
Editing directory  
1. Press  
, then  
(or the first letter of the  
entry you want) until you reach the entry you want to  
change. Directory entries are in alphabetical order.  
2. To edit the entry’s name press  
3. Press  
4. To edit the entry’s number press  
5. Press  
, then edit the name.  
, then press  
Deleting an entry  
1. Press  
2. Press  
, then  
. The display will ask  
3. Press . The display will show  
if you do not want to erase the entry.)  
. (Select  
4. Press  
Dialing from the  
Pause and link signal  
When adding a directory item or customizing a softkey,  
you may need to insert a pause or a link signal.  
appears when you are on a call to enable features such as  
Transfer and Conference.  
To insert a pause when you are predialing a number or  
storing it in your directory, press  
The display shows .  
and select  
To insert a link signal, press  
and select  
The display shows . (Refer to Using your C3050 Portable  
feature reference card for information on using this  
Using your headset  
Using one of the optional headsets frees both hands for other  
tasks. With the handset flap closed and the ringer control switch  
at the or position, you can answer calls and make calls  
from your directory or by using your customized softkeys.  
Hin t: Using the portable with the C3050 holster protects it from falls.  
Using the holster with the headset also allows you complete freedom  
of movement while you are on a call.  
Connecting and  
disconnecting the  
N o te : If you disconnect the headset from the portable during a  
conversation, you have five seconds until you lose the connection. To  
continue the conversation, either open the flap or plug in the headset.  
Using your portable  
with the headset  
To answer a call, press  
. To end a call, press  
N o te : If you wear a hearing aid, you should use the C3002 headset.  
N o te : In particularly noisy environments you should use the C3002  
Customizing your portable  
Hin t: Whenever you are searching through a list, you can press the  
first letter of the feature, directory, or system entry you want. If there is  
more than one entry under a letter, press  
to keep looking.  
To customize your portable, use the  
, which contains  
a number of features in alphabetical order.  
Moving through the  
To search through the available options on the  
. Some of these features are available  
while you are on a call.  
N o te : The portable displays options in several different ways.  
Whenever the display shows a heading followed by a colon, as in  
, you can select the underlined softkey,  
case, to switch to the other option.  
Whenever the display shows a heading followed by , as in  
, press to enter a menu of options which you can  
then move through by pressing or  
in this  
Discrete Ring  
If you want your portable to ring once, press  
. Set the ringer control switch  
to the middle ( ) position.  
To prevent your portable from ringing, set the ringer  
control switch to the middle ( ) position and press  
Hint: To stop the ringing or vibrating during an incoming call press  
Key Click  
you press a button.  
turned on, you hear a short beep each time  
Keypad Light  
Your portable’s keypad and display have a light that is  
helpful in low-light conditions. You can extend the life of  
your batteries by leaving the keypad light off when you  
don’t need it.  
, select  
, and select  
as needed.  
Key protect  
, select  
, and select  
is turned on, press  
. When  
to activate softkeys or buttons on the portable.  
Hin t: If you are using a headset or ap closed operation is turned on,  
you may want to turn Key-protect on.  
to move between the  
selections. Press  
, select  
, press  
, to select your choice.  
, then  
To check that a number is correct before you dial, set up  
your portable for predialing. Press or  
choose and select  
Enter the telephone number, which may be edited using  
, then press  
to dial your call or  
to store it in  
your directory.  
N o te : You can insert a pause or a link into a predial sequence (see  
“Pause and link signalon page 10).  
Choosing distinctive  
1. Press  
2. Select  
3. Press  
4. Press  
(to hear samples).  
to choose a new ring type,  
Setting the ringing  
1. Press  
2. Select  
3. Press  
4. Press  
, (to hear samples).  
to choose a new ring volume,  
Setting the portable  
to vibrate and ring  
1. Press  
2. Select  
. (The display shows  
, and the  
portable vibrates briefly.)  
3. Set the ringer control switch to the top ( ) position, or  
to the middle ( ) position with  
turned on.  
Setting the portable  
to vibrate only  
1. Press  
2. Select  
. (The display shows  
, and the  
, press  
portable vibrates briefly.)  
And to keep your portable from ringing:  
3. Press  
, select  
4. Set the ringer control switch to the middle ( ) position.  
Extra features  
System features  
If your system supports features such as Call Forward or  
Call Transfer, you can customize your directory to include  
them (see “Storing directory entries” on page 8,  
“Customizing softkeys” on page 23, and Using Your  
C3050 Portable feature reference card, or you can call  
your contact).  
Long tones  
To select long tones press  
You may need long tones to respond to electronic banking  
services and telephone answering machines. This way you  
can send a tone that lasts until you take your finger off the  
button (up to 3 seconds).  
N o te : Not all systems support this feature. Call your contact.  
Message waiting  
Message Service  
Some systems allow your portable to display  
if you have a voice mail message.  
Even if your system does not support Message Waiting  
indication, you can set up your portable to dial directly into  
your voice mailbox. See “Message Service”.  
By first storing a message service code, you can access the voice  
mail system by pressing  
message and to move on to the next message. Press  
to listen to the previous message. Press  
. Press  
to listen to the  
to dial the number.  
to delete the message. Press  
to exit your message  
N o te : If you press  
, and you want to use your active softkeys,  
Depending on your voice mail system, you may be required to  
change the dial codes. Dial codes are the numbers used to access  
voice mail system features. For example, the default dial code 76  
deletes a message. If your voice mail system is Meridian Mail,  
you do not have to change the dial codes. If you change your  
message service code, you will have to change the dial codes as  
To store your message service code  
1. Press  
2. Select  
3. Enter ___________ (your voice mail service access  
number) and insert one or more pauses as required (see  
“Pause and link signal” on page 10).  
4. Enter __________ (your voice mailbox number and  
password) and press  
N o te : Your voice mail system may require you to press  
you enter your mailbox number or password.  
5. The display shows  
N o te :  
is only displayed after you first store the  
message service code. If you erase your message service code, you  
will have to go through dial codes again and change as required.  
Hin t: For most Meridian Voice Mail systems, select  
. For  
Norstar Companion systems that support integrated voice mail, select  
. On some Norstar Companion systems, message service may work  
differently, see your system contact for assistance.  
6. Press  
to change the default dial codes. Press  
when you do not want to change the dial codes.  
Press when you are not using dial codes.  
7. Go through the dial codes and change the values for  
your voice mail system, if required.  
Customizing softkeys  
For direct, one-touch access to frequently used features or  
frequently called numbers, use your softkeys.  
Your customized idle softkeys are available when the  
portable is not in use. You can also customize an active  
softkey that is available while you are on a call.  
The default idle softkeys are  
Message Service must be programmed for the  
The default active softkey is  
the left of the display.  
. The active softkey is on  
To assign a feature, a directory number, or a system  
selection to a softkey  
1. Press  
, and select  
2. Press  
, then  
or and select  
, then press  
, press , , or .  
4. Select the list item you want as your softkey.  
3. If you select  
5. If you want to add a feature to your softkey, press  
If you want to add an entry from your directory, press  
. If you would like to add a system selection, press  
6. Press  
to move to the desired entry, then  
7. Label your softkey with up to four characters by  
pressing the button that has the letter you want. For  
example to enter , press  
; to enter , press  
8. Press  
N o te : Only entries from the menu, a directory list, or a system list can  
be added to a softkey (see “Using your personal directory” on  
page 8,“Using more than one system” on page 6, and “Customizing  
your portable” on page 14).  
N o te : If a directory entry is changed, you will have to re-assign your  
softkey to reflect the new directory entry.  
Features such as Feature request and Portable Info are only  
useful for your system contact.  
Making your portable secure  
When your portable is not in use, you can lock its dialpad  
with your personal identification number (PIN). When the  
portable is locked, the display shows  
Entering a PIN for  
the first time  
1. Press  
, (enter a 1- to  
6-digit PIN).  
2. Press  
, (enter new PIN again),  
Changing a PIN  
1. Press  
, (enter old  
2. Press  
3. Press  
, (enter a 1- to 6-digit PIN).  
, (enter new PIN again),  
, (enter  
Locking your  
, select  
. (The display shows .)  
Unlocking your  
, select  
, (enter  
N o te : If you lose or forget your PIN and your portable is locked, enter  
the master PIN supplied with your portable. Be careful when you enter  
the master PIN. The display asks if you want to  
. If you want to keep all of your settings, select  
PIN previously stored will be cleared.  
. The  
Wa rn in g : If you select  
, all of your directory entries, your system  
registrations, and customized softkeys are cleared.  
Put your master PIN label here or store it in a safe place.  
All about batteries and recharging  
Important battery  
Before using your rechargeable battery pack for the first  
time, it must be charged in the rear charger slot for at least  
8 hours. This is necessary to ensure full battery life.  
Your portable needs a rechargeable battery pack. Battery  
level is shown by the  
symbol on the top right of the  
display. If the batteries are very low, the display flashes  
and you hear warning beeps.Your programming will not be  
lost if you replace your batteries.  
Charge rechargeable battery packs in the C3050 Charger or  
the C3050 HiCapacity Charger. The C3050 Charger will  
quick charge your portable in the front slot in 2.5 hours, or slow  
charge a battery pack in the rear slot in 8 hours.  
The C3050 HiCapacity Charger charges your portable  
battery pack in 2.5 hours or less, or a battery pack in the  
rear slot in about 8 hours.  
Installing battery  
Hook the hinges of the battery pack into the slots at the  
bottom of your portable, and push the pack and the  
portable together until the pack clicks shut.  
Preparing the  
Connect the ac adaptor plug of the power cable to the rear  
of the charger, then attach the ac adaptor to a power source.  
N o te : When charging your portable overnight, slide the ringer  
control switch to the bottom ( ) position to extend the life of the  
Recharging the  
portable and spare  
1. Place your portable (containing a rechargeable battery  
pack) on the charger. The right-hand light indicator turns  
red while charging and green when the portable pack is  
2. Insert a spare rechargeable battery pack into the smaller  
rear charger slot. The left-hand light indicator turns red  
when charging and green when the spare pack is  
N o te : The spare rechargeable battery pack and the portable can be  
recharged at the same time.  
Hin t: In high usage environments it is a good idea to have a spare  
battery pack. Alternating the spare battery pack between charges will  
prolong battery life.  
AAA batteries  
You can also use an optional AAA battery holder with your  
portable. Insert the batteries into the battery holder.  
N o te : Commercially available AAA NiCd batteries cannot be  
charged in the C3050 HiCapacity Charger.  
Accessories for your portable  
There are a number of C3050 accessories available from  
your Nortel distributor.  
• C3001 Ear Bud Headset  
a small and lightweight ear-bud type headset  
• C3002 Over-the-head Headset  
a full over-the-head band for extra stability and hold with a single  
• C3050 Clip-on Holster  
a custom-designed holster with an adjustable belt clip.  
• C3050 Leather Glove  
a leather glove that holds the portable with a plastic panel covering  
the keypad and display  
• C3050 Rugged Protector  
a rubber protective case with a built-in rigid black plastic belt clip.  
For more information, visit the Companion homepage at  
Safety information  
energy safety  
Hazardous conditions may arise if the portable telephone is  
operated near construction blasting caps or near  
emergency service radio receivers.  
Do not use this portable telephone in locations bearing  
warning signs that caution against radio transmission.  
For hospital use, the manufacturer recommends that  
standard acceptance procedures are followed before this  
equipment is used in the proximity of life-support systems.  
Battery safety  
Do not replace batteries in a hazardous environment  
(where sparks are considered dangerous, or where there are  
flammable gases, flammable liquids, dust, or flammable  
Do not attempt to charge alkaline batteries.  
Do not discard batteries in a fire. Batteries may explode  
when subjected to extremely high temperatures.  
Charge the battery pack provided with the portable only in  
accordance with the instructions specified in this manual.  
Do not short circuit batteries. Batteries may explode when  
short circuited.  
Antenna safety  
Charger safety  
The C3050 portable telephone emits low levels of radio  
energy. Although any risk associated with this energy is  
minimal, you can further minimize your exposure by not  
touching the antenna to the face or eyes while the portable  
telephone is turned on.  
The C3050 charger adaptor is an electrical device  
containing hazardous voltages. Do not open the adaptor or  
the charger.  
Care when using  
Do not place the earpiece next to your ear if a foreign  
object has become attached to it.  
Note for pacemaker  
Although the risk of interference is minimal, pacemaker  
users should not store the C3050 portable in a pocket next  
to the pacemaker.  
Note for hearing aid  
Use of the portable telephone may produce an audible tone  
within a hearing aid. The C3002 headset can be used with  
hearing aids and will prevent the occurrence of the audible  
Technical specifications  
3.6 V rechargeable batteries  
4.5 V (total voltage rating), three AAA alkaline batteries  
Frequency band  
1.920 to 1.930 GHz  
Total channel  
14°F to 104°F  
RF output power  
32 mW ERP maximum  
PCI CAI:FCC Etiquette  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.  
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  
1). This device may not cause harmful interference, and  
2). This device must accept any interference received,  
including interference that may cause undesired operation.  
Any changes or modifications applied to the portable  
telephone not expressly approved by Nortel could void the  
user’s authority to operate the equipment.  
This portable telephone uses digital encoding to protect the  
speech transmission.  
Caring for your portable  
Avoid subjecting the portable telephone to extremes in  
Care and  
Clean the portable telephone by wiping it with a damp  
cloth. Do not use solvents or polishes. If your portable  
telephone does not work, check all charging contacts on  
the portable and the charger for dirt, grease, or other  
material. If necessary, clean them with a soft dry cloth.  
Printed on recycled paper  
© 1997 Northern Telecom  
All rights reserved.  
Companion is a trademark of Northern Telecom.  
Issue 04  
Printed in Canada  

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